Jeroen Blok
The Netherlands
-project–1– Blinded
–project–2 People we know
–project–3 We should leave
–project–4 jungletalk
–project–5 We are special
–project–6 Feast of wire
–project–7 Waiting
–project–8 potrait gallery
–project–9 Draw
–project–10 In between
–project–11 Primair
–project–12 dancing
© Copyright
Jeroen Blok
If you have any questions about my work, acquisitions, assignments, expositions feel free to ask.
-project–1– Blinded
–project–2 People we know
–project–3 We should leave
–project–4 jungletalk
–project–5 We are special
–project–6 Feast of wire
–project–7 Waiting
–project–8 potrait gallery
–project–9 Draw
–project–10 In between
–project–11 Primair
–project–12 dancing